I have never taken a self portrait so I decided to give it a try.
Jack explores Storm King

Brian Willowfire
Some new Chromatic Tonality work.
New Juxtopostion Work
I am working on a photography book bringing disparate elements that fit together through movement, composition, tonality, odyssey, and form. These are a couple of new ones.
The Singhs Hey Video
We just finished the first of two videos that we did for The Singhs. They will be launching in mid-march through an iPad app. This was a very exciting project that I collaborated with Patrik Bolecek on.
Once they launch I will post the video. On to the next.
Falling for a Square
I just finished a music video for Falling For A Square / www.fallingforasquare.com. Jason makes music using a Gameboy. I used organic flowing imagery, shot by Patrik Bolecek and myself, against a digital sound to create a very strange juxtaposition and I think it works.
Hurricane Sandy
I feel very fortunate that nothing happened to my family or home and that I only lost a car. It was about 18 hours until the waters receded enough for us to leave our building revealing these images. We are now back here and the power is back on after 8 days. Good to be home but what a strange feeling seeing how many peoples homes were destroyed.

Color Grading
I believe that doing your own color and retouching are essential to making your vision come to life. It used be the darkroom, and for the last 15 years it has been the computer. As I moved into moving pictures, I felt a large disconnect with my work: tonality and color story was in someone else's hand. I decided to take that back and learn all I could about color grading and compositing. After years of doing color and compositing on still images, it was a bit of a natural progression. The tools were different, the ideas similar, though color in motion has its own set of challenges. I spent an intensive year of learning Nuke and DaVinci Resolve and took on jobs to hone my skills. I would like to thank Hal Wolverton for giving me valuable insight into the way color moves.
These are some films that I graded in DaVinci Resolve with the guidance of creative directors Alicia Johnson and Hal Wolverton.
Lincoln Retouching
Here are some print ads for which I did the retouching.
Here are some portraits that I did for creative directors Alicia Johnson and Hal Wolverton.
Alicia Johnson
Hal Wolverton
Another image in my exploration of abstract/chromatic/tonal work. The bleachers out my window.
Transit of Venus
My son was so excited about seeing a planet cross the sun. Not sure he really knows what that means but it was great to see the excitement. It was overcast that day and we got lucky to have a break in the clouds.
Through a Window
Some new abstract/chromatic/tonal work. It's an exploration; here are a couple examples. More to come.